905.285.0002 Westbridge Veterinary Hospital

The Value Of Education

February 26, 2020
Two veterinary staff members sitting by a monitor and taking notes

One of the great joys of veterinary medicine is that we are always learning. New techniques, tools, and treatment options are constantly being developed and keeping current directly benefits our patients.

At Westbridge Veterinary Hospital, our entire team is dedicated to continuing education. We all take great pride in bringing new knowledge to share with our co-workers and helping our hospital provide the best care possible. Team members frequently attend conferences, and we bring educators on site on a regular basis. In this past year alone our veterinarians have attended the OVMA (Ontario Veterinary Medical Association) conference, the NAVC (North American Veterinary Conference), and the VIN (Veterinary Information Network) Conference, our technicians have attended the OAVT (Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians) conference, the Clinical Animal Behaviour Conference, and the Dental Forum, and our Animal Care Attendants have attended nutrition conferences. Our Client Care receptionists have attended management and the OVMA “Boot Camp” conference. We are a busy group!

Some of our veterinary technicians are pursuing specialties. Our Head Technician, Becky, has been working on her Veterinary Technician Specialty for dentistry. This involves multiple authoring many case reports and spending hours mentoring with veterinary specialists. The knowledge that she has brought to Westbridge has helped continue to our high standard of veterinary dental care. Once she finished her certification, Becky will be among a very select group. Currently there are no Veterinary Technician Dental Specialists in Ontario, and just one other in all of Canada.

Another of our Veterinary Technicians, Rachael, is pursuing her specialty in animal behaviour. As part of her training she has been involved in learning how to make our clinic a low stress environment for the pets that we see. We have separate examination rooms for dogs and cats, and separate kennel areas for them. We have a new “Cat Carrier Parking” area in reception to allow our feline friends to be off the floor and away from other pets. She is currently pursuing “Fear Free” Certification.

Corrin, another of our Veterinary Technicians instructs at Sheridan College in Diagnostic Imaging and is constantly learning to pursue her love of teaching.

Continuing Education isn’t just for our technicians – our Doctors love to learn too! Dr Rosamund has completed her examinations in Traditional Chinese Herbal Veterinary Medicine, and will also be attending the International Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine Conference this summer. This will focus on pediatrics, geriatrics, rehabilitation, and end-of-life Care. Dr Morin recently attended the North American Veterinary Conference in Orlando, Florida; one of the largest veterinary gatherings in North American. Dr. Hylands continues to teach basic and advanced ultrasound to other veterinarians across Canada, and travels to California yearly to attend the Diagnostic Imaging Conference with the Veterinary Information Network. Dr. Buller has finished over five years of teaching Veterinary Technician students at Sheridan College, and continues to advance her interest in oncology to clients and their pets going through cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Ongoing learning means a veterinary hospital with a team where everyone is not just dedicated to providing the highest level of care – we are passionate about it!