

Rachael Registered Veterinary Technician

Hello! My name is Rachael. I lived and worked as a technician in the Yukon for 2 years and moved back to Ontario in 2012 to be close to family. I volunteered with my clinic up North to do the “vet checks” for all the sled dog teams running in the Yukon Quest which further developed my love for huskies and “sport dogs”. I Graduated from the Seneca College Vet Tech program in 2010, and became an RVT in 2012. I have been working in clinics for the last 10 years.

I am always looking for something new and exciting to learn. I have 2 pets – a 1.5 year old Greater Swiss Mountain dog who is a ball of fun and a 12 year old kitty at home who rules the roost. I love reading, hiking mountains or hiking anywhere really (of course with the pooch). I play baseball in the summer, and am also very interested in animal behavior. I am currently in a program to become a “Fear Free Certified” technician which teaches low-stress handling techniques for our wonderful patients, and will then be working towards getting my dog-trainer credentials. I hope to become an RVT, VTS (Veterinary Technician Specialist in Behaviour).