Blood & Laboratory Tests

Regular testing is needed to monitor your dog's health and discover diseases in their early stages.

To help find answers quickly, we have on-site equipment in our hospital that can run a wide range of both blood and urine tests, which often gives us results within the hour. Other tests are sent to an accredited outside lab. The benefit of a rapid diagnosis is a more immediate and accurate treatment for your pet.

Why is it important to perform blood tests for dogs?

We recommend yearly bloodwork be done on even healthy pets. We recommend more frequently for our senior pets and/or pets that are on long term medications. Our site laboratory allows us to do many biochemical tests for immediate interpretation. This can be very valuable in an emergency situation or simply just convenient for pre-surgical evaluations.

Many cytological samples can have a preliminary assessment in our hospital prior to sending them out to the laboratory for a more thorough reporting.

How do I interpret my dog’s blood test results?

We know you are worried when your pet is ill. We will explain what is happening with their progress and diagnosis as best as we can in clear and simple terms using both illustrations and test results. When we take the time to answer your concerns thoroughly, we feel that we are working together with you.

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